As President of the Mountain Shadows Community Association and a Founder and President of the Westside Watch winning an historic denial of a dangerous development, 2424 Garden of the Gods, at a critical chokepoint that would risk the public safety of citizens, I have had a front row seat into our local government's behavior and attitude towards the voters and taxpayers. We need to put the people back in control which is why I am running and hope you will join me in restoring much needed respect for the citizens of El Paso County.

Public safety is critical for the future of El Paso County. Issues such as homelessness, illegal immigration, and crime affect us all and must be a priority. We can make our community safer by prioritizing tax dollars for law enforcement. We need the best emergency response in the nation including tools such as evacuation modeling.
I support data-driven growth that protects the property rights of citizens and their goals for the future of their property. We must protect citizens from dangerous density and overzealous zone changing that conflict with existing neighborhoods.
We need to stop the commercialization of our parks & address our parkland shortage. Our natural setting is what brings us all to the Pikes Peak region, and why high wage workforces choose areas to relocate or start businesses. Keep our lands healthy, green and natural.
We must fix the ethical and moral decay that permeates politics. Integrity is essential for trust in governance. Restoring integrity in leadership will be paramount to everything I do in serving the people of El Paso County.
Inflation and increased taxes and fees have made it difficult for many families and seniors to make ends meet. Government needs to live within the budget set by the people. I will uphold the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) so that bloated government spending doesn't contribute to inflation.
I'm Bill Wysong and I'm running for County Commissioner District 3. I have the background that is uniquely qualified for this position and I have been fighting for the westside for almost 5 years. I am a Navy Veteran and graduated from the University of Oregon. I've spent 40 years in many different capacities in the telecommunications industry and water technology, earning my M.B.A. along the way. Currently, I own a small business that I started 8 years ago. From large corporations to small businesses, I understand the low-regulatory conditions needed to help businesses and a local economy thrive.
My commitment to our community has deep roots. I never started out to run for office, but after the Waldo Canyon Fire decimated my neighborhood, I became involved in the safety of neighborhoods in regard to over-development, citizen safety and fire evacuation. I've worked with state officials attempting to craft a bill requiring standards for evacuation modeling. I am currently the President of the Mountain Shadows Community Association as well as co-founder and President of WestsideWatch, a Wildland Urban Interace (WUI) coalition focused on community wildfire public safety.
My commitment to El Paso County, in particular to the westside, is evidenced by my multiple appearances in front of City Council and the County Commissioners. I spearheaded the fight against the "2424 Garden of the Gods" proposed apartment complex, which would have put high-density structures at a critical egress route during a wildfire. This fight went through the court system, and eventually we prevailed against the developer. This is but one example of my commitment to the citizens of the westside.
I sat on Mayor Yemi’s Strategic Planning Working Group on the Housing Committee trying to influence better outcomes for neighborhoods across the City as well as promoting for the protection of all neighborhoods from overzealous infill development. I understand the concerns facing our community from homelessness to illegal immigrants flooding into Denver and ultimately into El Paso County.
I I believe in common sense leadership where citizens' rights come first. It's our home, and I would love to restore the respect and integrity the people of El Paso County deserve and look forward to serving you.
Very respectfully,
The developers will spend heavily to keep me out of office. Grassroots contributions are the only shot I have to gain office and return control of the future of your home to you. Contribute now to help make his vision a reality and our community a better place.